
Features: version for Hospitals Logo HOSPIsalus


Patient demographic data registration includes all those non-clinical data that form the basis for identifying patients within the system.

A system of multiple tabs is used to categorize information (demographic, billing, etc.) bringing the possibility of further exploitation. Some of this information may be mandatory to register a new patient.

Among the many possibilities regarding demographic data, multiple categories can be defined, including pictures, patient documentation, input forms according to customer specifications, etc.


The citation module gives complete control of outpatient scheduling as well as observation rooms planning and other resources.

An intuitive and user friendly GUI, similar to Microsoft® Outlook®, gives all hospital staff a quick familiarization.

The agendas system is structured accordingly to center organizational structure, featuring a series of visual codes to distinguish patient state at all times (arrival, in consultation, exit, etc.).

The agendas system is designed to optimize receptionist’s job, minimizing handling times and avoiding scheduling appointments in the wrong way. Additionally, It has the possibility of creating and managing waiting lists.


The module has a SMS sending platform to automatically remind patients of their appointments.

Citación On line

The online citation module lets patients to request their own appointments from the hospital website.

Seamlessly integrated in the hospital website, patients select their appointments and professional services of interest, and SALUS automatically proposes the next available date, generating the appointment once the desired date and time are selected.

The system gives patients a 24 x 7 schedule to select their own appointments and significantly increases agendas occupation ratio and hospital resources optimization.


From the admissions module any information regarding on hospital admissions and emergency room can be generated and checked at your convenience.

The system lets you quickly acquire patient data, as well as reservation and allocation of rooms, triage, admission typification or medical team assignation, among other features.

All with the aim of optimizing resources and minimize waiting times of both staff and patients.


The ER module minimizes management time in generally critical and stressful situations.

In a special way, it manages a quick admission and patient identification, reservation and allocation of boxes, requests for additional clinical tests, protocols, vital constants monitoring, definition of medical orders and patient reallocations.


Thanks to the Traceability module, it is possible a complete control of pacients flows, localization and waiting times in the clinic and greater management potential in the cases where a patient is seen within one visit, by several professionals or in multiple exam rooms.

The system enables the definition of multiple waiting rooms, consultations and exam rooms, allows moving pacients among different spaces, check them in and out with several communications options with the front desk to allocate further appointments or charging additional services.

Gestión Económica

SALUS gives full control of the whole hospital economic processes seamlessly integrated with logistical and assistance processes as well as with other management areas.

The system brings the administrative staff a really ease of use to carry out their most common tasks as well as a quick access to information. This includes not only the specific processes of billing, budget management, professionals commissions, cost control, debtor control, management of private companies and public entities, financial reporting and profitability, etc.


In particular, within the overall economic management, SALUS provides all billing processes, with a clear focus on reducing management time, minimizing errors and providing an ease of use for every tasks.

Billing processes, including among others inpatient and outpatient services, are implemented in an intuitive and fully automated system from a multi-company and multi-center view, as well as multiple payment methods, issuance of bank remittances, etc.


In case of health insurance companies, SALUS can connect remotely to their validation system, i.e. "Chipcard."


SALUS completely manages stocks, purchases and suppliers integrated with care management.

Features include management of orders, shopping lists, stock control with lower thresholds, sending and receiving purchase orders, etc.

SALUS allows the definition of multiple stores, with stocks monitoring in everyone of them, as well as ordering and transferring goods among them.


As an essential element within the internal logistics, SALUS has a fully integrated pharmacy management, which contemplates the whole circuit from medicine carts, according to medical orders, to the automatic patient billing.

Thus, SALUS brings you the possibility to maintain a continuous drug stock monitoring in individual stores and pharmacies, as well as making purchase orders really easy. The system also informs about medication requirements at all times and especially in cases where medication stocks are below a minimum.

Historia clínica

SALUS registers and manages in a unified way all clinical information during the entire patient’s life cycle, enabling an actual "paperless hospital."

Whether it is an in or outpatient, medical and nursing staff has a whole set of management tools for proper care.

EMR includes, among many other functionalities, protocols for monitoring patient's evolution and its clinical course, history management, events management, issuance of medical orders and prescriptions, order tests and consultations, visualization of results (analytical, imaging, etc.), medical forms, histological and anatomical sketches, etc.

EMR uses international encodings, such as ICD, classification of diagnoses and diseases. Stats and graphics about patient’s evolution can be obtained at any as well.

The information is grouped in clinical episodes at all times, giving the maximum degree of control and organization of medical records.

Escpecialidades Médicas

SALUS’ Electronic Medical Record is unique for each patient, but includes all medical specialties.

The EMR can be based on standard format, predefined in SALUS, or entirely according to our customer specifications from his/her existing medical record models.


With the premise of making easier the nursing work, SALUS controls, easily and intuitively, all the actions that need to be taken in each floor or wing, such as validation of medical orders, monitoring of vital signs, fluid balance, nursing records management, cures, diagnosis, patient transport, etc.

Órdenes Médicas

Medical staff members issue their corresponding medical orders from their own stations. From that moment, and in a completely paperless way, the system controls at all times the status of orders, in particular whether they have been carried out or not by the nursing staff.

Medical orders include, among other elements, medication prescriptions and/or cures planning. Multiple dosages, dosing regimens, routes of administration, drug formulary management, observations and instructions for the proper administration, etc. can be defined.

In order to make the clinical staff work easier, medication can be ordered in blocks that follow some protocols to a given diagnosis.


SALUS manages surgical activity in all its aspects.

It covers the application of surgical interventions, which lets you assign different levels of emergency, operation planning, control and monitoring of pre and postoperative, monitoring and graphics of anesthesia, surgical plan, expenses and additional services control, medical staff responsible for the surgery, etc.

Other specifically organizational elements include, for instance, planning for boxes occupation, or blocking of ambulatory agendas for professionals involved in any surgical activities already planned.

Pruebas Complementarias

Additional tests (clinical analysis, diagnostic imaging, etc.) and consultations are managed from the test request form.

The module allows the request of tests and consultations whether they are performed at the hospital or at an external healthcare center; priority levels can be assigned as well. The system allows the issuance and delivery of the request, test progress control, entry and subsequent visualization of results, including those where tests are performed at a center outside the hospital.

When necessary, test management module can be linked to external information systems, such as laboratory software or others.


SALUS includes a complete management of imaging and diagnostic imaging tests (radiology, CT scans, ultrasounds, etc.), supporting multiple display standards such as DICOM and many others.

The system allows, among other functions, embedding images in the patient's EMR, diagnostic testing information, image comparison under different levels of filtering, etc.

All imaging tests are accessible from the summary of the patient's EMR, thereby allowing a proper display, integrated and in real-time. The images can then be expanded as well as edited at any time to carry out annotations, comments or marks.


Proper management of clinical and administrative documentation is key to save time and achieve the highest quality of care and services to your patients.

SALUS makes really easy the issuance and control of documentation, saving time and keeping a continuous monitoring of the information generated and delivered to patients.

The documentation initially includes the full range of relevant medical information, such as discharge reports, clinical tests documentation, surgical reports, prescriptions, medical records, etc.


On the other hand, the system automatically emits all kinds of administrative documents, such as certificates of attendance, medical consent, contracts, consents to Personal Data Protection Laws, etc., allowing their electronic signatures by the patients, with legal warranty and thereby making the existence of bulky paper records truly unnecessary.


SALUS, according to its network architecture, allows the realization of telemedicine and remote diagnosis applications, especially in those cases that require diagnosis and support from specialists outside the hospital.

In a particularly remarkable way SALUS allows the realization of telemedicine and remote diagnostic activities in environments with poor Internet connections, typical of rural and remote locations, which are precisely those locations where telemedicine activities can be most helpful for both to provide the population a better care quality as well as cost savings to patients and healthcare institutions.


All financial and management information is exploitable, both departmental and managerial, through a set of reporting and business intelligence functionalities.

These give full control, interactive and real-time, total hospital activity indicators. Indicators can be about economic and healthcare matters, making it possible to consult their static values as well as their evolution over time.

Database queries can be defined and customized by the hospital, thanks to a designing tool for personalized report only available for customers with support service. These reports can be exported to office software suits such as Microsoft® Excel or others.

Business Intelligence

In a special way, SALUS has the ability to operate, using Business Intelligence, with all the information contained in the system.

By setting the corresponding parameters and dashboards, management staff has the right tool with a visual and interactive “daily picture” of the day hospital for making effective decisions in real time.


In an increasingly competitive world, the healthcare centers are clearly betting not only to provide the highest quality care, but to aim to their target markets and potential customers more effectively, as well as prioritize care and already existing customer satisfaction.

According to that, SALUS is a perfect technological solution for Marketing and Customer Care departments providing excellent tools to achieve their goals.

These tools include, among others, communication with customers and prospects in different ways (mail, e-mail or phone), preparing mailings and marketing campaigns, appointment reminders and other events via SMS, quality control and waiting times at the clinic, contacts monitoring with potential customers (CRM), management satisfaction surveys about the services received, identification of patients with phone calls with immediate access to patient history, immediate release of documents, personalized according to your corporate image, requested by patients, electronic consent signature, etc.


Thanks to Human Resources module, SALUS facilitates personnel management activities, such as employee’s personal data registration, management of candidates in selection processes, control of contracts, assignment of work shifts, etc. Human Resource Management also allows control of the agreements signed with various professionals, such as rates and conditions of settlement of fees, working arrangements, etc.


SALUS gives full compliance with current laws on personal data protection, allowing access only to information that is relevant to the user, while maintaining a historical record or activity log of all actions performed by each user of the application in any given time.

Comunicación Interna

The system has an IM platform for internal communication between different professionals at the hospital.

IM can be used both for care and administrative functions, and provides a number of applications far superior to simple communication tools, such as e-mail, for example by allowing a greater degree of control of reading messages or for carrying out the tasks required.

Turnos y cuadrantes

As a complete management system, SALUS helps you plan work shifts and employee’s quadrants.

Includes as well the configuration of every work shift, shift assignation to each employee, minimum staff requirements per shift, continuous monitoring of incidents, sick leaves or vacations, reassignment of shifts, holidays calendar, control of working hours according to labour agreements, surplus and deficit of hours per worker, etc.

The system allows the preparation and printing of global quadrants and/or per employee, tasks that are extremely tedious and subject to error unless you have the right tools.

Features: version for Clinics and Medical Centres Logo CMsalus


Patient demographic data registration includes all those non-clinical data that form the basis for identifying patients within the system.

A system of multiple tabs is used to categorize information (demographic, billing, etc.) bringing the possibility of further exploitation. Some of this information may be mandatory to register a new patient.

Among the many possibilities regarding demographic data, multiple categories can be defined, including pictures, patient documentation, input forms according to customer specifications, etc.


The citation module gives complete control of outpatient scheduling as well as observation rooms planning and other resources.

An intuitive and user friendly GUI, similar to Microsoft® Outlook®, gives all hospital staff a quick familiarization.

The agendas system is structured accordingly to center organizational structure, featuring a series of visual codes to distinguish patient state at all times (arrival, in consultation, exit, etc.).

The agendas system is designed to optimize receptionist’s job, minimizing handling times and avoiding scheduling appointments in the wrong way. Additionally, It has the possibility of creating and managing waiting lists.


The module has a SMS sending platform to automatically remind patients of their appointments.

Citación On line

The online citation module lets patients to request their own appointments from the hospital website.

Seamlessly integrated in the hospital website, patients select their appointments and professional services of interest, and SALUS automatically proposes the next available date, generating the appointment once the desired date and time are selected.

The system gives patients a 24 x 7 schedule to select their own appointments and significantly increases agendas occupation ratio and hospital resources optimization.


Thanks to the Traceability module, it is possible a complete control of pacients flows, localization and waiting times in the clinic and greater management potential in the cases where a patient is seen within one visit, by several professionals or in multiple exam rooms.

The system enables the definition of multiple waiting rooms, consultations and exam rooms, allows moving pacients among different spaces, check them in and out with several communications options with the front desk to allocate further appointments or charging additional services.

Getsión Económica

SALUS gives full control of the whole hospital economic processes seamlessly integrated with logistical and assistance processes as well as with other management areas.

The system brings the administrative staff a really ease of use to carry out their most common tasks as well as a quick access to information. This includes not only the specific processes of billing, budget management, professionals commissions, cost control, debtor control, management of private companies and public entities, financial reporting and profitability, etc.


In particular, within the overall economic management, SALUS provides all billing processes, with a clear focus on reducing management time, minimizing errors and providing an ease of use for every tasks.

Billing processes, including among others inpatient and outpatient services, are implemented in an intuitive and fully automated system from a multi-company and multi-center view, as well as multiple payment methods, issuance of bank remittances, etc.


In case of health insurance companies, SALUS can connect remotely to their validation system, i.e. "Chipcard."


SALUS completely manages stocks, purchases and suppliers integrated with care management.

Features include management of orders, shopping lists, stock control with lower thresholds, sending and receiving purchase orders, etc.

SALUS allows the definition of multiple stores, with stocks monitoring in everyone of them, as well as ordering and transferring goods among them.

Historia Clínica

SALUS registers and manages in a unified way all clinical information during the entire patient’s life cycle, enabling an actual "paperless hospital."

Whether it is an in or outpatient, medical and nursing staff has a whole set of management tools for proper care.

EMR includes, among many other functionalities, protocols for monitoring patient's evolution and its clinical course, history management, events management, issuance of medical orders and prescriptions, order tests and consultations, visualization of results (analytical, imaging, etc.), medical forms, histological and anatomical sketches, etc.

EMR uses international encodings, such as ICD, classification of diagnoses and diseases. Stats and graphics about patient’s evolution can be obtained at any as well.

The information is grouped in clinical episodes at all times, giving the maximum degree of control and organization of medical records.

Specialties Médicas

SALUS’ Electronic Medical Record is unique for each patient, but includes all medical specialties.

The EMR can be based on standard format, predefined in SALUS, or entirely according to our customer specifications from his/her existing medical record models.

Órdenes Médicas

Medical staff members issue their corresponding medical orders from their own stations. From that moment, and in a completely paperless way, the system controls at all times the status of orders, in particular whether they have been carried out or not by the nursing staff.

Medical orders include, among other elements, medication prescriptions and/or cures planning. Multiple dosages, dosing regimens, routes of administration, drug formulary management, observations and instructions for the proper administration, etc. can be defined.

In order to make the clinical staff work easier, medication can be ordered in blocks that follow some protocols to a given diagnosis.

Prueas Complementarias

Additional tests (clinical analysis, diagnostic imaging, etc.) and consultations are managed from the test request form.

The module allows the request of tests and consultations whether they are performed at the hospital or at an external healthcare center; priority levels can be assigned as well. The system allows the issuance and delivery of the request, test progress control, entry and subsequent visualization of results, including those where tests are performed at a center outside the hospital.

When necessary, test management module can be linked to external information systems, such as laboratory software or others.


SALUS includes a complete management of imaging and diagnostic imaging tests (radiology, CT scans, ultrasounds, etc.), supporting multiple display standards such as DICOM and many others.

The system allows, among other functions, embedding images in the patient's EMR, diagnostic testing information, image comparison under different levels of filtering, etc.

All imaging tests are accessible from the summary of the patient's EMR, thereby allowing a proper display, integrated and in real-time. The images can then be expanded as well as edited at any time to carry out annotations, comments or marks.

Proper management of clinical and administrative documentation is key to save time and achieve the highest quality of care and services to your patients.

SALUS makes really easy the issuance and control of documentation, saving time and keeping a continuous monitoring of the information generated and delivered to patients.

The documentation initially includes the full range of relevant medical information, such as discharge reports, clinical tests documentation, surgical reports, prescriptions, medical records, etc.


On the other hand, the system automatically emits all kinds of administrative documents, such as certificates of attendance, medical consent, contracts, consents to Personal Data Protection Laws, etc., allowing their electronic signatures by the patients, with legal warranty and thereby making the existence of bulky paper records truly unnecessary.


All financial and management information is exploitable, both departmental and managerial, through a set of reporting and business intelligence functionalities.

These give full control, interactive and real-time, total hospital activity indicators. Indicators can be about economic and healthcare matters, making it possible to consult their static values as well as their evolution over time.

Database queries can be defined and customized by the hospital, thanks to a designing tool for personalized report only available for customers with support service. These reports can be exported to office software suits such as Microsoft® Excel or others.

Business Intelligence

In a special way, SALUS has the ability to operate, using Business Intelligence, with all the information contained in the system.

By setting the corresponding parameters and dashboards, management staff has the right tool with a visual and interactive “daily picture” of the day hospital for making effective decisions in real time.


In an increasingly competitive world, the healthcare centers are clearly betting not only to provide the highest quality care, but to aim to their target markets and potential customers more effectively, as well as prioritize care and already existing customer satisfaction.

According to that, SALUS is a perfect technological solution for Marketing and Customer Care departments providing excellent tools to achieve their goals.

These tools include, among others, communication with customers and prospects in different ways (mail, e-mail or phone), preparing mailings and marketing campaigns, appointment reminders and other events via SMS, quality control and waiting times at the clinic, contacts monitoring with potential customers (CRM), management satisfaction surveys about the services received, identification of patients with phone calls with immediate access to patient history, immediate release of documents, personalized according to your corporate image, requested by patients, electronic consent signature, etc.


Thanks to Human Resources module, SALUS facilitates personnel management activities, such as employee’s personal data registration, management of candidates in selection processes, control of contracts, assignment of work shifts, etc. Human Resource Management also allows control of the agreements signed with various professionals, such as rates and conditions of settlement of fees, working arrangements, etc.


SALUS gives full compliance with current laws on personal data protection, allowing access only to information that is relevant to the user, while maintaining a historical record or activity log of all actions performed by each user of the application in any given time.

Comunicación Interna

The system has an IM platform for internal communication between different professionals at the hospital.

IM can be used both for care and administrative functions, and provides a number of applications far superior to simple communication tools, such as e-mail, for example by allowing a greater degree of control of reading messages or for carrying out the tasks required.



  • Visual scheduling, "Outlook" style, intuitive and easy to use.
  • Multiple agendas, as fully configurable.
  • Assists and prevents from errors in the scheduling process.
  • Reminders sent to patients via mail, e-mail and SMS.
  • Comunication system between medical team members.
  • Get new patients through integration with external platforms online citation.
  • Possibility of online citation patients by the Online Dating module of SALUS where the patient can schedule, view and modify their appointments.
  • Module "Agenda Web" which allows professionals to access their schedules from any device, such as tablets or smartphones.


Historia clínica
  • Easy and fast access to patients’ records.
  • Forms for clinical monitoring, diagnostics, registration of additional tests, protocols, etc.
  • Sketches and images management (X-Ray, ultrasound, etc.).
  • Automatic generation of reports, prescriptions and all type of documents.
  • Questionnaires editor, which allows the creation of an own medical history.
  • Digital signing of documents such as consent by the module "Tablet Patient".
  • Visual summary of the entire history of the patient that has multiple visualization tools as filters to show only the relevant information.
  • Multispecialty medical history.


Gestión económica
  • Billing to patients and insurance companies.
  • Fast charging circuit and simple from the same agenda that greatly speeds up the economic and administrative management.
  • Integration with information systems as ChipCard or Redsa, which are a great time saver to be able to make the whole process directly from SALUS.
  • Budget management.
  • Management bonuses and authorizations.
  • Debt management of patients with multiple checkpoints.
  • Economic reports and profitability.

Other products of the SALUS family:


SALUS has specialized versions for specific sectors such as Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Medicine and Aesthetics Surgery, Physiotherapy, Nursing Homes and Dentistry Centers.

Click on each icon for more information.

Contact us

  • (+34) 973 22 31 85
  • (+52) 5584213126
  • (+54) 0264 4266962
  • (+593 9) 99 934-922
  • (+502) 2315 3535
  • (+56) 2 432 75 60
  • (+51) 995997543
  • (+351) 256 379 510
  • +5551 4112-7666
  • (+591-2) 270 0150
  • (+012) 345-6789
  • (+58) 416 3407057
  • (+507) 64824283
  • (+1) 305 6070782
  • (+852) 2982 2345